Monday, 26 August 2013


 On nights such as these the gods, as has already been pointed out, play games other than chess with the fates of mortals and the thrones of kings. It is important to remember that they always cheat, right up to the end...
-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters) 

This looks interesting...


Sard Caid said...

With this, like every video game project I see these days, I shall wait until the finished product. Even then, I'll wait to see a few reviews, and preferably streamed gameplay.

Now that I'm old enough to read up about games before they're made, I've found myself highly vulnerable to the promises and hype studios make about their products. In the past when I was a kid, I would just read up on the game at the store, maybe watch a trailer and if available DL a demo. Never did I deal with betas, or pre-launch content/advertising.

Anabaric said...

Loved the original X games, pretty much a single player version of EVE.