Monday, 13 October 2014

And I'm offski... Again

Shadwell hated all southerners and, by inference, was standing at the North Pole.

-- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens) 

I fly to Melbourne Australia for six months on Wednesday, taking my laptop with me this time but doubt I'll have internet access when we go to the Antarctic. But I will try and stay updated with the goings on in EVE and even considering trying my hand at some EVE fiction with me and my family as the characters, develop some back story and just have fun writing again.

I could use a little help if anyone feels inclined to do so. Please share the link on your social media if th fancy takes you :)

Huggs and Kisses


1 comment:

Miura Bull said...

Enjoy. Safe travels! They should install a 4G signal out that way. Gosh. :P